5 Easy Ways to Make Fitness a Family Affair

It’s never too early to introduce your littles to healthy habits! Maybe your kids are too young to join sports teams...and maybe you're not ready to leave them and head to your favorite pre-baby workout class. But even though it's tough to squeeze in physical activity, remember that there's no time like the present.
That's why we'd suggest turning fitness into a fun family affair. It's truly a win/win: It allows you to introduce your kids to those healthy habits they'll keep with them forever, and it gives you a chance to squeeze some exercise in as well. Trust us when we say that there are fun ways to get active with your littles. We love all of these family-friendly tricks to making it enjoyable...no gym membership required!
Throw a daily dance party
Put on some tunes, clear out some space, and bust a move! Dancing with your kids is the perfect way to get everyone’s heart rate up (and tire ‘em out before bedtime…just saying). You can mix some top 40 tunes in with a stream of kid-friendly songs to really get the party started.
Make a list of walk-able destinations
Why drive when you could walk? Identify a few attractions within walking distance of your home and make an effort to get to them on foot as often as possible. In addition to a killer FitBit count, this trick will give you some exposure to fresh air and a new appreciation for the area around your home.
Turn fitness into a game
Create a game that involves moves like jumping jacks, frog jumps, and lunges. Use your imagination with this one! One easy option? Red light/green light: This easy game just involves calling 'green light!' when you want every player to execute a certain move (think jumping jacks) and using the term 'red light!' when you want them to pause. It's simple yet effective!
Kick it old school
Jump ropes and hopscotch used to be all the rage — why not bring them back? This move just may take you back to your own playground days. Score one for nostalgia!
Make it a family tradition
Schedule a family fitness date every single weekend — head to a nearby park and play frisbee in the grass or check out a kid-friendly workout class. Involve all family members in this and feel free to schedule a weekly treat — like a trip to the ice cream store — right you finish the activity your family chooses. Regardless of how you choose to implement this, turning fitness into a family tradition is a great way to teach your kids commitment to those healthy habits.
Do you have any handy tips your family uses to sneak in more activity? We want to hear 'em!