Art Project: Paint With Tennis Balls!

Whether you're gearing up for another chilly winter weekend spent indoors (March, where are you?) or you're just looking for a fresh activity to do with your little, we've got a quick and easy craft that comes with guaranteed smiles. Inspired by one of our latest prints—Game, Set, Match—Katie Baumgartner of Make to Celebrate is sharing a fun way to make abstract art with your little using tennis balls.
You'll need:
- A box (or ridged baking sheet)
- Kid-friendly paint
- 1 or 2 tennis balls (marbles work, too)
Place a white piece of paper inside your box and add three blobs of paint, spaced about an inch or two apart, in the center of the paper. Place a tennis ball inside the box, then hold one end of the box while your little holds the other end. Together you'll roll the ball back and forth over the paint, creating a fun, textured piece of abstract art. (Yep, no messy hands!) You can give the tennis ball a good wipe and make another masterpiece with fresh paint, or we're fans of celebrating the match with a well-deserved snack, too.