How To Decode the Mommy Board Acronyms
Decoding The Mommy Board Acronyms
FTM here. I’m desperate for some help with my 3-week old DD. I’m trying to EBF while home on ML (currently NAK), but my LO is constantly screaming bloody murder. Could it be a DA? Is she hungry and I need to supplement with FF? It’s struggle city over here, and I need some guidance. TIA
If the above makes you think HUH, welcome to the MMB (mommy message board)! We’re here to help you talk the talk with this list of acronyms. Soon enough, you too will be speaking in code.
Term | Definition |
AP | attachment parenting |
BC | birth control (what reading a mommy board will drive you to) |
BFN | big fat negative (on the stick) |
BFP | big fat positive (on the stick) |
BM | breast milk (we gotcha there, huh?) |
CC | controlled crying (a sleep method) |
CD | cloth diaper |
CIO | cry it out (aka hell on earth) |
DA | dairy allergy |
DD | dear daughter |
DH | dear husband |
DS | dear son |
DTD | did the deed (isn’t “sex” just as easy to spell?) |
EBF | exclusively breastfeeding |
EBM | expressed breast milk |
EC | elimination communication (we had to wiki that one too) |
FF | formula feeding |
FTM | first time mom |
LAM | Lactational Amenorrhea Method (natural birth control while breastfeeding) |
LO | little one |
MC | miscarriage |
ML | maternity leave |
MMB | mommy message board |
NAK | nursing at keyboard |
OWT | old wives tale |
PG | pregnant |
POAS | pee on a stick |
PPD | postpartum depression |
RIE | Resources for Infant Educarers (the parenting method all the LA moms follow) |
SAHM | stay at home mom |
TIA | thanks in advance (the universal sign-off on the MMB) |
TTC | trying to conceive |
VBAC | vaginal birth after cesarean |
WAHM | Work at home mom |
WM | Working mom |