Looking to check a few littles off your list? We asked our founder, CEO, and main mom behind-the-scenes, Monica Royer, to share her favorite holiday gifts. All of these essentials are wrapped by hand and finished with a bow, so all you have to do is oooh and aaah over the cute, oh-so-soft styles.

Basics Collection Bundles

“Can’t get enough of our new Basics Collection Bundles. Your kiddo will feel the same.” DSC_3116-true-white

Always Blankets

“I have a serious soft spot for the first blanket we created. Goes from tummy time to big kid snuggles.”180924__2018_fall_winter-130_a9b86113-108a-4aa6-956a-022479370bbb_1800x1800

Big League Tulle Dress

“Can we talk about this sweatshirt and tulle combo? Obsessed.”


Welcome Home Cuddle Box

“New moms LOVE the Sweet Baby B + Soft Touch Gown. Lucky them—both are in this box!”


Close Knit Bundle

“Our super soft, cotton knit pieces are perfect for newborns.'DSC_2776-white


“There’s no better way to celebrate a mom-to-be than with an entire baby wardrobe!”

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“IMO, our flannel collection is a fireside must!”



“The perfect layering piece for winter adventures.”


Shop all of Monica's picks and find more gift ideas here!