Want to Raise Your Kids Without a Car? Here Are Tips From Moms Who Are Doing It

If you live a car-free life, finding out you're having a baby may make you question things. As if the 'do we need a bigger house?' moments weren't enough, there's also the issue of deciding whether or not to trade your high Fitbit step count in for some serious gas mileage.
On the one hand, you probably love how unencumbered you feel without a car to worry about — not to mention how easy it is to travel via foot, public transportation and ride-sharing apps.
But on the other hand, you've likely heard that raising kids can be tough when you don't have a dependable ride. Between car seats, diaper bags, strollers, and everything else they need, it can seem almost impossible to exist as a car-free parent. But here's the thing: It's not impossible, and these moms are proof of that.
Parenting without a car isn't for everyone. There are tons of factors that influence whether or not its feasible for you — and where you live might be the biggest one of all (this is one area where urban families have a clear advantage!). But if it seems up your alley, chances are it could work for you. Of course, there are plenty of factors to consider, but these three New York moms are making it work, and they've shared some tips for other families who would like to give car-free parenting a try.
And if you can't imagine living without a car in your day-to-day life, remember this: These tips totally apply to families who are traveling, too! So if you're planning a trip to New York City (or any other urban area, for that matter), here's how you can make it work without wheels.
Plan out your routine
'Map out your weekly routine (children's programs, grocery store, school/daycare, work if applicable, as well as fun things you want to do as a family)-see if going car-free is workable where you live,' Aurora Satler, a New York City mom of two who lives without a car, advised. 'If it is, get a great stroller with good wheels (invest in better wheels for winter and a good rain cover and raincoat for yourself).'
Embrace your options
'As your child ages, you can invest in a great bike with child seat or trailer to go further afield,' Aurora added. 'Look into car rentals because there will probably be times you will wish you had a car. Learn the public transit options in your area.'
Be prepared
'Use a backpack instead of a diaper bag to carry everything you will need for the day,' Aurora suggested. 'Since you will be using public transit always pack extra diapers, meals and snacks and a change of clothes since trains stall, buses delay and you want to have what you need on you.'
Keep it lightweight
'The car seat equation is the toughest. If you can go car-free with just booster seats, that makes your life much easier since it's easier to haul boosters around opposed to convertible car seats,' Ruthy Kirwan, who's raising two kids in Queens suggested.
Anticipate emergencies (of the bathroom variety!)
Look on the bright side
Image by Belle Augusta