A Birth Story: Lindsay, Eddie + Hunter

Chicago-based sales associate Lindsay Rosen gave birth to her little guy, Hunter Clark, on New Year’s Day. Needless to say, she didn’t need to sell us on him. One look at the little guy and we were so excited to be a part of his first photo shoot. Read on to hear about Lindsay’s experience in her own words.
What was the best baby-related advice you received before your baby was born?
To sleep as much as we could now and cherish the last moments as a family of two and not wish those last few weeks away, however uncomfortable or anxious, before our lives would be forever changed in the most amazing way.
What were you most nervous about before the birth?
We had taken Bradley Method classes which helped greatly in understanding the birthing process and were hopeful to labor at home as long as we could and avoid interventions to the extent it was realistic, but were worried about things not going as planned and being induced, which sadly ended up happening.
What were you most excited about before the birth?
The first few moments of meeting our son and watching my husband become a Dad-I had all these ideas in my mind of what it would be like but nothing I ever dreamed of was remotely close to the magic of that experience in that moment.
Did you have a birth plan—why or why not?
As I mentioned we did Bradley Method classes so had a great idea of what we wanted vs. what we didn’t but did not have a formal plan as I didn’t want to feel incredibly disappointed if I had a formalized plan that “failed” vs guidelines for my ideal experience.
Did you find out what you were having?
Yes we did-I am horrible with surprises and wanted to have the nursery ready for him.
What surprised you most about the birth?
How magical and incredible the pushing part was-my husband and the doctor’s created such a special environment-nothing medical/sterile feeling, instead natural and spiritual. It was beautiful.
Tell us one moment from the birth experience that sticks out in your mind.
When I was pushing and was crowning and the doctors could see how much hair he had-we were all joking about giving him a mohawk as he was coming out-and I was able to reach down and touch his head and my heart exploded.
What has surprised you most about new motherhood?
How quickly you adapt to your new normal and couldn’t imagine what life was like without our angel.
What is one thing you wish you knew before your baby was born that you know now.
Not to spend too much time agonizing over having everything prepared and perfect and just let them be here for a week so you can truly gauge what you need and adjust from there.
What is your greatest wish for your baby's future?
Incredible health and to always be surrounded by steadfast love.
Shop our Hospital Cuddle Box Collection for the picture perfect first moment.