Hospital Bag Must-Haves

Nursery finished? Check. Car seat installed? Check. Your hospital bag packed? Um...
If you're one month from your due date, it's time to put yourself back on the to-do list. You’ll have plenty of other things on your mind when your contractions start and packing your bag shouldn't be one of them.
Read on for tips from new moms who know exactly what to pack.
Monica + Andy Layette
“So easy to just pack a Monica and Andy layette! loved that I didn’t have to think about what specific types of clothes and blankets I needed for baby in the hospital (and made for such cute newborn photos :)). ” @lesa822
Cozy Slippers
“Slippers!! Those floors are cold!!” @kt1418
An Extra Bag
“Bring along an extra empty bag! The hospital will give you so much paperwork, you’ll probably receive some gifts, and you’ll need a way to bring home all the free diapers (and ice packs!).” @jessie_mash
Cute Robe
“Bring a soft wrap/robe to throw on when visitors arrived! Otherwise it was me and the babe just breastfeeding all the time” @holly0033A
“A nice robe! Good for many reasons: forgiving fit, skin to skin access, breastfeeding access, looks good in pictures, and last but most important COMFY!” @lecarleton
“Three fake candles that flicker to recreate home vibes at the hospital!” @julieinbk
“I packed battery-operated tea lights at the recommendation of a nurse. It was so nice to have ambient light in the evening and prevented my newborn from being awakened by the fluorescent hospital lights being turned on anytime the nurses came in at night (which is often!) They were the best suggestion and I never would have thought to bring them otherwise. Having a really nice pair of slippers and my pillow from home was a great comfort too.” @kaleahpI
Shower Flip-Flops
“Trust me, you’re going to want to rinse off at some point during your hospital stay and you’re not going to want to go barefoot in those showers!” @lindsayholden
Snacks, Snacks and more Snacks
“Mommy's fav snacks and drinks coz you will be famished once all the hard work is done.” @rusticmint
“Snacks! We arrived at 7:30pm after the kitchen had closed. It didn't open until 7am and I didn't deliver my girl until 1:26pm. We were both starving. The nurses rounded up some bananas, jello, applesauce, and graham crackers, but I was still regretting not bringing anything to eat.” @sweetdeewehrs1122
Nipple Cream
“Learning to breastfeed essentials - nipple butter, nursing tank, nipple shield, gel relief packs...and lip balm!” @parentalpivot
“Chap stick was so important for me and a sweet outfit to bring our new baby girl home in. <3” @susandaggy1
“baby scrap book so we could add their hand/foot prints when the nurses take them!” @meg_pruitt
“Mom washer, snacks, and of course my Monica +Andy blankets and outfits for baby and big sis” @essentialohana
Clothes for you
“More comfy clothes than you would think to pack. I had an emergency c section and our stay went from 2 days to 5” @jesslaniew
“Oh and clothes you don't mind ruining with lanolin! Wish I had known was everywhere!” @jesslaniew
Small Speaker
“A nursing/pumping bra! A speaker for labor music!” @theplantwife
Water bottle, Pillow and Sticky Socks
“My hospital must have was a water bottle that didn't require two hands to open and a good pair of sticky socks (I brought a pair of pure barre socks)! And a good pillow - the hospital ones suck!” @whatsfordinneresq
“Lots of (travel sized) mommy goodies like fancy face lotion and face wash. Anything to make you feel a bit more 'normal' and taken care of!” @mekanebassi
Hair ties
“Hair ties! Snacks and a robe.” @andylreynolds
Adult diapers and a soft blanket for mama
“Relaxation music, Depends adult diapers (those huge pads just aren't big enough), baby shampoo with non-toxic ingredients, a big fuzzy robe or blanket from home, yoga pants, snacks for you and your birthing partner!” @sadiecarol28
Charger (for Everything!)
“So cute! We are expecting #2 in a few weeks and I definitely had to pack the USB extension cord for my phone charger so I can use it while in bed! That's my big must have.” @samanthajym
Our Favorite:
The Cuddle BoxWorn by over 300,000 babies for their first hello. Includes everything you need for your baby's stay in the hospital including our Hello Baby Top + Bottom, printed waddle Blanket and matching prints